Young Reserve officer
YROW has been prioritised as the most important deliverable of CIOR and developing this course has been a focus to ensure a succession of reservists who would be able to cooperate and participate in NATO operations. For this purpose, CIOR has established a working co-operation with NATO military training establishments - Baltic Defence College in Estonia that is supporting the execution of YROW.YRO Workshop
YROW is a professional development program conducted concurrently with the annual CIOR Summer Congress. This week-long workshop is designed to be a junior reserve officer’s first exposure to a multi-national environment and to colleagues from NATO and PfP nations.YRO Workshop will offer:
- introduction to NATO, CIOR; CIOMR;
- presentations by guest speakers from NATO and related international organizations;
- collaborative work and/or role play on a proposed YROW theme;
- participation in Symposium group panels;
- Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) training and exam;
- local visits and cultural activities;
- award of YRO Workshop certificates.
YROS was initially designed as an outreach program to assist in integration of junior reserve officers of emerging NATO member states and PfP into a coalition environment and to contribute to the development of knowledge of NATO and CIOR structures and missions.It has evolved and is now a more intimate version of the YRO Workshop and a professional development activity conducted annually each spring, designed to provide an initial exposure to YRO activities in a joint and combined environment. The YRO Seminar provides initial international/coalition experience for young junior officers and increases awareness of alliance security issues.