Young Reserve Officers Programme

YRO Workshop

5-day professional development programme aiming to provide junior officers an international/multi-national forum both to inform and to debate military and reserve issues along with leadership skills/perspective development.

YRO Seminar

3-day professional development seminar that provides integration to multinational environment and contributes to the development of knowledge of NATO and CIOR structures and missions.

About activity

Young Reserve officer

YROW has been prioritised as the most important deliverable of CIOR and developing this course has been a focus to ensure a succession of reservists who would be able to cooperate and participate in NATO operations. For this purpose, CIOR has established a working co-operation with NATO military training establishments - Baltic Defence College in Estonia that is supporting the execution of YROW.


YRO Workshop

YROW is a professional development program conducted concurrently with the annual CIOR Summer Congress. This week-long workshop is designed to be a junior reserve officer’s first exposure to a multi-national environment and to colleagues from NATO and PfP nations.
Junior reserve officers up to the rank of OF-2: Captain (Army/Air Force) or Lieutenant (Navy) work together for a week in an intense international setting. It constitutes a unique professional development opportunity for approximately 60 junior reserve officers annually.
YRO Workshop will offer:
  • introduction to NATO, CIOR; CIOMR;
  • presentations by guest speakers from NATO and related international organizations;
  • collaborative work and/or role play on a proposed YROW theme;
  • participation in Symposium group panels;
  • Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) training and exam;
  • local visits and cultural activities;
  • award of YRO Workshop certificates.


YROS was initially designed as an outreach program to assist in integration of junior reserve officers of emerging NATO member states and PfP into a coalition environment and to contribute to the development of knowledge of NATO and CIOR structures and missions.
It has evolved and is now a more intimate version of the YRO Workshop and a professional development activity conducted annually each spring, designed to provide an initial exposure to YRO activities in a joint and combined environment. The YRO Seminar provides initial international/coalition experience for young junior officers and increases awareness of alliance security issues.


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All news

CIOR/ CIOMR/ CISOR summer congress is getting closer

CIOR/ CIOMR/ CISOR summer congress together with CIOR Language Academy and CIMIC Exercise will commence already in one a half months.

CIOR helps junior reserve officers get the experience needed to serve in a multinational HQ

Every reserve officers career will most likely come to a point where there is an opportunity to serve in a multinational headquarter. It is a great opportunity for junior reserve officer to develop their skills and get to the next level in their career but also a great responsibility and a challenge.

Limited Numbers but still a Great YROW Experience

This year’s late summer congress was not a normal one due to the Covid-19 crisis, as fewer nations understandably decided to attend in person. Despite this, the organisers of the YROW (Young Reserve Officer Workshop) and ROW (the new Reserve Officer Workshop for...

YROW brings young reserve officers together

The Young Reserve Officer Workshop (YROW) is a platform for younger officers to gain knowledge and to build mutual understanding between reserve officers from different NATO and partner nations. Reserve officers usually the age 30 or younger come together every CIOR...

Young Reserve Officer Seminar in Finland

The Young Reserve Officer Seminar this year took place in Finland, near Helsinki. Some 40 young reserve officers from eleven countries attended the three day event and took part in practical and theory on cross-cultural leadership and related topics. Led by the YROW...


Conditions for applying for the scholarship

The participant who has met the individual nations criteria and picked by their reserve assosiation, will have priority for scholarship award, unless the student is the beneficiary of a specifically designated Individual scholarship in which case it will normally be awarded.
Scholarships will not be awarded to participants in active duty.

Apply as staff

Utilize your experience 

Enhance the collective security and pass down your knowledge to the next generation.

CIOR is always looking for qualified and experienced speakers, instructors, and teachers for our events.

Apply if you:

  • Have experience in a security environment.
  • Have a working knowledge in English or French.
  • Technical knowledge about Military Competition.



Support professional development

CIOR is encouraging capable donors to provide for scholarships to the participants of our activities.

CIOR is supporting the training of reserve leaders, and collecting and sharing best practices, especially developing skillsets.
CIOR has 8 activities with partisipants from 27 different countries.

Funds may be donated to:

  • Support participants from a particular Nation
  • Support a particular individual
  • Support a particular activity 
  • Support CIOR in general
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