World’s largest military reserve officer organization

The Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers, commonly referred to by its French acronym CIOR, represents the interests of approximately 1,3 million reservists across 27 participating nations within and beyond NATO.


Support the policies of NATO and assist in the achievement of the Alliance’s objectives.

Promote the role and importance of reserves in NATO and national level

Foster the professional development of reserve officers

About CIOR

CIOR was founded in 1948

CIOR, an organization that emerged from the determination of Reserve Officers who had fought in the Armed Forces and Resistance, aimed to use their experience to enhance collective security and pass down their values to future generations. This initiative was prompted by the alarming reduction of American, Canadian, and British military presence in Western Europe, which left France, Belgium, and the Netherlands vulnerable due to their insufficient armed forces.

In this uncertainty about the future and with a deep appreciation for the relationships forged between 1935 and 1937, as well as during the war, the leaders of the Reserve Officer Associations from Belgium, France, and the Netherlands convened in Brussels, Paris, and Amsterdam in the course of 1947, founded the Interallied Committee of Reserve Officers and laid the groundwork for a congress and a program of activities.


"The reservist is twice the citizen"

Sir Winston Churchill.
The CIOR vision is to align and affiliate in the strongest way with NATO and its subordinate structures, stakeholder nations and reservists with a positive, forward-looking contribution to the Reserves’ component of future operations and the development of the culture of Reserve service.

CIOR's purpose 

CIOR has a major role to play, especially in introducing the reserve service in NATO countries, supporting the training of reserve leaders, and collecting and sharing best practices, especially developing skillsets. CIOR is recognised as the spokesman for the reserve service in NATO with the aim to support the policies of NATO to assist in the achievement of the Alliance’s objectives. 

CIOR provides advice on Reserve matters and CIOR has the ability to co-ordinate quick responses on reservist matters to member nations and more widely to partners. 

Reservists - Linking civilian expertise with military capabilities

A growing number of nations use the niche capabilities of reserves, often building on the individual or even collective experience of the individual. 

These individuals are active civilians and professionals, in addition to their role as reserve officers. This dual role allows them to contribute to a better understanding of security and defence issues within their national populations, as well as bringing civilian expertise and experiences to the challenges facing reserve forces at NATO.

By raising awareness of contemporary reserve issues and promoting interoperability and cooperation while respecting national traditions, CIOR develops individual reservists to serve national and international interests.



CIOR anthem

Listen to “Comrades all”

“Comrades all” was adopted as the anthem of CIOR 2004 and has been played in every Summer Congress opening ceremony ever since.

Music sheet

CIOR Coat of Arms

CIOR Coat of Arms

CIOR Coat of Arms is a symbol of unity and common values of the Member Nations and affiliation to NATO.


CIOR Medal of Merrit

CIOR Medal of Merrit

Awarded to individuals who have outstanding merits for CIOR and/or NATO in reserve matters.



CIOR is structured around a constitution

The Constitution provides for a rotating Presidency; Executive Council and key committees. CIOR has 25 full members and 2 associates who contribute to the Executive Council with Vice-Presidents and Assistant Secretary General.

The presidential team is provided by one of the 25 CIOR full member nations that consists of the elected President and Secretary General, and a number of Assistant Secretary General who serve for a two-year term. Past Presidents and Past Secretaries General of CIOR are Honorary Delegates have access to Council meetings in an advisory capacity.

CIOR is a non-profit legal entity under Belgian law, registered according to the Belgian Code of Companies and Associations. The Confederation is financed by annual subscriptions from its component national associations. 
CIOR has several annual events that promote training, education and professional development. CIOR currently has 8 standing committees that combined stage 8 activities.

CIOR council, Presidency and Committees meet 4 times a year:

  • CIOR/CIOMR Mid-Winter Meeting (MWM) – usually held in February at NATO Headquarters.
  • CIOR/CIOMR Summer Congress – a CIOR affiliate hosts this event in their nation on a rot ating basis, usually in July or August.
  • Fall In Between Meetings – additional 2-3 days executive planning meeting, usually in Aprill or May
  • Spring In Between Meetings – additional 2-3 days executive planning meeting, Usually in November.

CIOR is officially recognised by NATO

CIOR is the only organisation next to NRFC recognised by the Military Committee with documents 0441/2 "NATO Framework Policy on Reserves" and 0248/2 “The Relationship between NATO and the Interallied confederation of Reserve officers (CIOR).” 

CIOR is represented in the International Military Staff (IMS) in the Policy and Capabilities Division (P&C Div) by the Permanent Representative of CIOR to NATO (Perm Rep). The Perm Rep is visible in IMS and NATO HQ, playing a role as a point of contact for all CIOR members, associates and others to create a good relationship with all offices that support our engagement as reservist in NATO. Permanent Representative of CIOR to NATO that is provided by Belgium with no predetermined term. 


Jørn Buø

Colonel, NOR Army


Pekka Sillanpää

Captain, FIN Army

Secretary General Organization

Peter Winroth

Lieutenant Colonel, SWE Army

Secretary General Plans


Colonel, BEL Army

Permanent Representative of CIOR to NATO

Jukka Rusila

Major, FIN Army

Assistant Secretary General Support

Lauri Valtonen

Captain, FIN Army

Assistant Secretary General Organization

Daniele Gulino

Captain, SWE Army

Assistant Secretary General Plans

Ståle Sandholt

Captain, NOR Army

Assistant Secretary General IT


Young Reserve Officers Committee


The Young Reserve Officers Committee (YRO-C) organises the training of more than 100 officers from 14-16 countries annually, within the framework of two annual events - YRO Workshop and YRO Seminar. The focus is on intercultural understanding, the personal and professional development of the participants as leaders and engagement in current security policy and military issues/topics amongst peers.

Language Academy Committee


CLA-C task is to plan and execute annual CIOR Language Academy and to provide Language Training in the two NATO languages: English and French. Ideally the committee members should come from the countries where the NATO official languages are used as mother tongue, and from the countries which should benefit most of the CIOR Language Academy (CLA). A background in education, either in teaching or in administration, should also be seen as positive to become a member of this committee. The Chair of the CLA-C is normally the Director of the CIOR Language Academy.

Civil-Military Cooperation Committee


The CIMIC-C was formed 2012 and must provide advice from CIOR’s perspective, on the ideal utilization of reservists within the scope of CIMIC, and act as a think tank and forum for discussions regarding the intersection of Reserve and CIMIC matters. CIMIC-C acts as a group of subject matter experts and must be prepared to give advice to all relevant stakeholders and promote best practices within the international CIOR CIMIC community. The primary product of the CIMIC-C is the table-top Civil-Military Exercise (CIMEX), held prior to the annually held CIOR Summer Congress.

Military Competition Committee


The MILCOMP-C provides advanced military skills training, leadership development, physical challenge, intercultural experience and international friendship by staging the annual CIOR Military Competition (MILCOMP) which is an integral part of the yearly Summer Congress. MILCOMP-C also issues the Permanent Regulations that are the binding regulations for planning, organisation and execution of the MILCOMP. They also liaise with the CISOR MILCOMP organisers to make best use of resources.

Cyber Reserve Committee


CR-C was formed on the 1st of August 2022 in Athens Summer Congress. The Committee has deliberately set a high standard for delegates with the expectation that they will be a Cyber practitioner either in their civilian or military role and ideally in both. The CR-C has declared a clear and ambitious intent to act as a Cyber Reserve Thinktank for NATO and to be able to signpost to Reserve Cyber expertise. The primary product of the CR-C is the International Cyber Event (ICE).

Strategy and Communication Committee


STRATCOM-C´s main role is to introduce CIOR to target audiences both inside CIOR, national reserves´ organisations, stakeholders and wider audiences externally such as NATO and NRFC. That is done through CIOR Seminar, CIOR Symposium and media. STRATCOM-C edits articles published on CIOR web page, photos and social media posts. It also maintains CIOR articles and photos database.

Defence Attitudes and Security Issues Committee


DEFSEC-C is a think-tank, addressing current security issues at a global level and CIOR's "diplomatic arm." Research work includes issues surrounding reserves in international operations, the reserves’ role in homeland defence, employer relations, mobilization, peace support, and in domestic defence attitudes. Outreach programme strives to identify and vet new members and partners and revitalizing existing inactive memberships.

Legal Affairs Committee


LEGAL-C is the legal think-tank of CIOR, comprised of legally qualified or legally experienced Reserve Officers. Lawyers from all branches of the legal field are represented: judges, attorneys, prosecution officers and university professors. All share a common military background as Reservists from their respective nations. As a result, the LEGAL-C represents a unique international legal body of expert professional knowledge covering a wide range of legal aspects. LEGAL-C provides legal advice to Council, Presidency, Committees and supports CIOR activities and partners.


NATO National Reserve Forces Committee

NATO National Reserve Forces Committee


The Interallied Confederation of Medical Reserve Officers

The Interallied Confederation of Medical Reserve Officers


The Interallied Confederation of Reserve Non-Commissioned Officers

The Interallied Confederation of Reserve Non-Commissioned Officers


Baltic Defence College

Baltic Defence College


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