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Roy Thorvaldsen, Lt.Col. (R), Norwegian Army/CIOR Public Affairs 09.07.2020

CIOR IT Support officer presented at NATO conference

For probably the first time ever, a CIOR representative has briefed at a NATO conference. That happened when IT Support officer (officially Assistant Secretary General Information Technology), UK RAF Squadron Leader Robin Wilkinson in early June gave a presentation to...

CIOR Public Affairs 29.05.2020

International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers

Today is the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers. CIOR and NATO celebrates the anniversary together with the United Nations. The theme this year is  ‘Women in peacekeeping: A Key to Peace’. “The International Day of United Nations...

CIOR Public Affairs 28.03.2020

Take care of yourselves and each other in these trying times!

Best wishes from CIOR’s Strategic Communication...

CIOR Public Affairs 17.12.2019

Season’s Greetings to the CIOR Family!

The President of CIOR sends season’s greetings to our all Reserve and Regular colleagues, wherever they may be on duty or with their families, and wishes them a happy, safe and prosperous...

CIOR Public Affairs 01.06.2019

Head US delegate attending retirement of SACEUR

Valuable CIOR networks: The US Vice President of CIOR, Brigadier General Michael J. Silva (R) recently attended the retirement ceremony for immediate past Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR). Friday 31 May 2019: – General Curtis M. Scaparrotti was my last...

CIOR Public Affairs 04.05.2019

CIOR and CIOMR aiming at more cooperation

The presidencies of the Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers (CIOR) and it’s sister organization for medics (CIOMR) met in Florence, Italy 25-28 April. The meeting took place in connection with CIOMR’s spring meeting – known internally in the...

CIOR Public Affairs 06.04.2019

CIOR President Speaks at Diversity Conference

The President of CIOR Colonel Chris Argent (Retd.) recently spoke at a conference on diversity in the armed forces, in Quebec, Canada. The conference, organized by UNIDEF (project management company in defense industry dealing with technology and know-how transfer of...

CIOR Public Affairs 13.02.2019

Reserve organizations discuss cooperation

The Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers (CIOR) and the Interallied Confederation of Non-Commissioned Officers (CISOR) presidents, Colonel (R) Chris Argent and Master Sergeant (R) Michel d’Alessandro, agree to look at what activities they might be able to...

CIOR Public Affairs 15.11.2018

British CIOR Presidency visiting Estonia

The new British CIOR Presidency led by Colonel (R) Chris Argent visited Estonia in september. This was in light of the 2019 CIOR Summer Congress in Tallinn, Estonia. The British Presidency is working closely with the Estonians, who are scheduled to take over the...

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