When Estonia stepped up to the challenge of hosting a CIOR summer congress, there were no NATO compatible obstacle courses in Estonia. Through massive co-operation from the Estonian Defence League Kaitseliit, the Ministry of Defence and a great number of volunteers, a brand new obstacle course was built and finished only less than a week before the opening of the CIOR summer congress 2019.
By 1st Lt. Susanna Takamaa, Finnish Reserve Officer Association/ CIOR Public Affairs
Attended by several member associations’ presidents and other congress guests, the grand opening of the obstacle course was held on Tuesday the 6th of August in a shower of rain. The President of CIOR, Colonel Christopher Argent, addressed the crowd by complimenting the Estonian Reserve Officer Association EROK for providing the obstacle course on such a short notice.
CIOR President Colonel (Retd.) Chris Argent, speaking at the opening of the Estonian obstacle course on Tuesday August 6th. Photo: Susanna Takamaa, Finnish Army/ CIOR Public Affairs.
“It isn’t about sitting in the committees talking, it is all about delivering military output. There is no better example of that than the military skills competition,” said Argent.
“I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Estonia for the enormous effort they’ve done to make this happen.”
After the opening of the facility the audience was provided with an example of how to complete the obstacle course, by an Estonian Defence Force athlete.
An athlete from the Estonian Defence Forces demonstrating the new obstacle course for CIOR leadership and participating guests. Photo: Susanna Takamaa, Finnish Army/ CIOR Public Affairs.
MILCOMP will begin the 6th of August, starting off with pistol and rifle shooting. On the following days competitors will complete utility swimming, the military obstacle course and a military orientation march.