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2LT Pierre-Antoine Benoit (FR), CIOR StratCom committee 22.07.2024

The CIOR Language Academy Kicks Off at Estonian Academy of Security Sciences

CIOR Language Academy (CLA) 2024 is being held in Tallinn, Estonia in the The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences  with classes running Mon 15- Fri 26 July 2024.

LCDR Ingrid Mühling, STRATCOM Committee 12.06.2024

CIOR/ CIOMR/ CISOR summer congress is getting closer

CIOR/ CIOMR/ CISOR summer congress together with CIOR Language Academy and CIMIC Exercise will commence already in one a half months.

Lt Mari Uuemaa, CIOR ASG org 19.05.2024

CIOR President met with Estonian Military Representative in NATO to discuses NATO's new Reserve Forces Policy

Following the Military Committee in Permanent Session on 25 Jan 24, it was agreed that IMS Policy & Capabilities (P&C) Division would initiate a project to revitalise the Alliance approach to Reserve and Reserve Forces. Initially, this will take the form of reinstating the NATO Policy on Reserves including a review of current MC documents related to affiliated Reserve organisations.

LCDR Ingrid Mühling, STRATCOM Committee 18.05.2024

IBM in Tallinn ended with visit to exercise Spring Storm

CIOR´s In Between Meeting last week ended with visit to Estonia´s largest annual exercise Spring Storm. Reserve officers from 12 countries received an overview on exercise and met reservists taking part of it.

LCDR Ingrid Mühling, STRATCOM Committee 16.04.2024

CIOR´s next IBM in Tallinn almost here

CIOR´s next In Between Meeting (IBM) will take place in Tallinn, Estonia from 9 to 11th May.

LCDR Ingrid Mühling, STRATCOM Committee 05.03.2024

Major Andre Lilleleht received a high national award

On February 21st president of Estonia, Mr. Alar Karis awarded the Order of the Cross of the Eagle IV class to Major Andre Lilleleht, Secretary General of CIOR.

H.E. Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of Estonia 2006-2016 19.02.2024

Speech to NATO Reserve Officers At the Interallied Confederation of Allied Officers Mid-Winter Meeting 1 February 2024 NATO HQ, Brussels

Ladies and Gentlemen, officers.

It’s an honor to be invited to speak here today in front of the men and women who understand what collective defense means and the importance of the alliance that has maintained the peace in Europe for 75 years. This is especially true in 2024 when many have doubts about the future of the alliance and at a time when Europe faces a greater threat to its security since the darkest days of the Cold War. Even then, when I was at Radio Free Europe in Munich Germany and when massive NATO exercises were just part of living in Europe, we did not have an ongoing massive invasion and war on the continent. Nor did we hear threats to invade, bomb and otherwise attack Europe.

Captain Rachel Ingram, STRATCOM Committee 03.02.2024

Mid-Winter Meeting´s Symposium focused on Russia´s threat and reserves increasing role in contemporary wars

Members of CIOR, CIOMR and CISOR attended a symposium February 1, 2024, in the press theater at NATO HQ in Brussels, Belgium, as part of the 2024 Mid-Winter Meeting.

CPT Rachel Ingram, Stratcom Committee 01.02.2024

CIOR seminar focused on AI and new technologies

The 2024 CIOR seminar convened January 28-30, 2024 at Theodor Heuss Akademie near Bonn, Germany.

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