Tallinn 9 May 2019: CIOR delegates yesterday visited Exercise “Spring Storm” in Estonia. A part of the exercise was a battlefield first aid scenario after an artillery unit was hit by counter battery fire.
The delegates witnessed an artillery battery deployed in the field and undergoing realistic training scenarios during the field-training phase of the exercise.
CIOR delegates visiting Exercise Spring Storm in Estonia. A part of the exercise was a battlefield first aid scenario after an artillery unit was hit by counter battery fire.
The Spring Storm exercise has some 7,500 troops from 10 NATO countries taking part.
CIOR visit to exercise and shooting range covered by…
CIOR Spring Meeting
The visit took place in conjunction with the spring meeting of the NATO-affiliated Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers (CIOR). The meeting serves the purpose of keeping the various workstrands of the organization going in-between the main annual meetings – hence the internal “go-by name”: In-Between-Meeting (IBM).
Tallinn will also host this year’s Summer Congress of CIOR.