
CIOR activities & events

Succesful symposium on the “Millennial Reserve Officer”

Jean-Francois Lambert, Major, Canadian Armed Forces/ CIOR Public Affairs 08.08.2019


On August 7, 2019, at the Summer Congress in Tallinn, Estonia, the CIOR delegates had the honour to listen to outstanding presentations on the annual theme: “Millennial Reserve Officers: New Challenges – New SKills – New Roles”.

By: Jean-Francois Lambert, Major, Canadian Armed Forces/ CIOR Public Affairs

Young Reserve Officers (YRO) are called to a relevant military role due to their civilian capacities as many conflicts have to adapt to “the new level of the fight” in a Multipolar World, with significant threats and changes:

– Disruptive Technologies (AI, Cognitive Computation, Blockchain, IoT, Big Data Analysis, Robots, Cyber, Space activities etc.)

– Climate change and migration

– Populism

– Weapons of Mass Destruction

Young South African Reserve Officer asking a question to the “Young Reserve Officers’ cultural awareness in the context of military deployments” panel. Photo: Major Jean-Francois Lambert, Canadian Armed Forces.

Le 7 août 2019, lors du congrès d’été à Tallinn, en Estonie, les délégués de la CIOR ont eu l’honneur d’écouter des présentations remarquables sur le thème annuel: “Officiers de la réserve du millénaire: Nouveaux défis – Nouvelles compétences – Nouveaux rôles”.

Les jeunes officiers de réserve (YRO) sont appelés à jouer un rôle militaire important en raison de leurs capacités dans le monde civil, car de nombreux conflits doivent s’adapter au «nouveau niveau des combats» dans un monde multipolaire, avec des menaces et des changements importants:

– Technologies de perturbation (IA, calcul cognitif, Blockchain, IoT, analyse de données volumineuses, robots, cyberactivité, activités spatiales, etc.)

– Changement climatique et migration

– le populisme

– Armes de destruction massive

Panelists from the “Young Reserve Officers’ cultural awareness in the context of military deployments” answering a question on military culture from a Young South African Reserve Officer. Photo: Major Jean-Francois Lambert, Canadian Armed Forces. General Sir James Everard (UK) DSACEUR. Photo: Major Jean-Francois Lambert, Canadian Armed Forces.

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