
CIOR activities & events

All ready for 2022’s CIOR Summer Congress!

Roy Thorvaldsen, Lt. Col (R), Norwegian Army/ CIOR Public Affairs. 29.07.2022

The first normal Summer Congress in three years is about to start. In fact, several associated activities have already begun or taken place, with dozens of participants from across the national member associations.

By: Roy Thorvaldsen, Lt. Col (R), Norwegian Army/ CIOR Public Affairs

The civil-military exercise – CIMEX — started today, Friday 29 July, as a hybrid exercise with both personal attendance and digital participation. Last year’s digital ‘Covid-19 edition’ was a great success.

Thie year’s CIMEX theme: ”How do CIMIC Reservists support resilience in the immediate response to conflict and stabilisation after the conflict?”

The table-top exercise runs until Sunday, when the congress proper is kicked off with an opening ceremony, and wreath laying at the tomb of the unknown soldier.


The working sessions of the congress start Monday morning, and run until Friday lunchtime. In the middle, on Wednesday, the symposium takes place – exploring Russia’s war against Ukraine and among other perspectives looks at the reserves’ potential to strengthen a resilient NATO.

Language academy

The CIOR Language Academy (CLA) started already 18 July, and finishes today, 29 July. It has taken place at the “Velissariou Ioannis” Camp, located next to the port of the city of Chalkida. The CLA teaches English and French as a second language, emphasising a NATO military lexicon while at the same time providing an orientation towards CIOR.

Young reserve officer seminar

The Young Reserve Officer Seminar (YROS) was held in Romania in June. Over 30 participants from seven countries worked on improving their skills in intercultural leadership, diversity challenges in operations, NATO structure and activities, and concepts of human intelligence (HUMINT).

The YROS has three objectives: To improve organisational capability, to contribute to strenghtening collaboration between NATO and partner member states, and – not least – to improve the training of the nations’ young, volunteer reservists.

The YROS also has great emphasis on cultural exchange, buliding networks and devolping friendship across national borders.

Three-day military competition

Over 250 athletes participate in CIOR’s military pentathlon (MILCOMP) each year. Established in 1957, it is an internationally recognised competition, focused on military skills that truly challenge the leadership and physical robustness of reservist members from across the Alliance and its partner nations.

MILCOMP is a team competition, where each member must overcome the challenges together. It takes three-days and consists of pistol and rifle shooting, obstacle course and utility swimming and orienteering, with additional tasks like range estimation, map reading and hand grenade throwing.

The military competition provides company level officers and junior non-commisioned officers (NCOs) with the chance to create, build and strengthen relationships with peers from Allied and partner nations while allowing for individual professional development.

Promoting and enhancing NATO

CIOR contributes directly to NATO goals by promoting and enhancing cooperation and interoperability amongst Reserve Forces within and beyond NATO.

The CIOR Summer Congress Venue, Athenaeum Intercontinental. The congresses of CIOMR (for medical reservists) and CISOR (for non-commissioned officers) take place at the same time and place as CIOR’s main annual event. The latter is a result of a recent CIOR initiative to work in closer collaboration with CISOR.

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