
CIOR activities & events

Germany best nation in military competition

CIOR Public Affairs 12.08.2019

The military skills competition that took place Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of last week, was yet another success for one of the most tangible outputs of the interallied confederation of reserve officers (CIOR), namely MILCOMP. Athletes from the CIOR member and partner associations competed in a wide range of disciplines, such as shooting, First Aid, Law of Armed Conflict, obstacle course and water obstacle course. The best nation overall was Germany (DEU3). In 2nd place: Finland (FIN2). In 3rd place: Estonia (EST2).

For a Photo Gallery from the competition, and the awards ceremony attended by the Republic of Estonia’s President Her Excellency Ms. Kersti Kaljulaid click HERE!

For results and more photos (EDF), click HERE!

For more about the 2019 MILCOMP, click HERE!

Germany (DEU3) came in as the best nation in the 2019 CIOR military skills competition (MILCOMP). The athletes received their medals from the Republic of Estonias President, her excellency Ms. Kersti Kaljulaid. Photo: Susanna Takamaa, Finnish Reserve Officer Association/ CIOR Public Affairs. (Photo corrected.)


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